Prerequisites Hardware: HGS can be run on physical or virtual machines, but physical machines are recommended.If you want to run HGS as a three-node physical cluster (for availability), you must have three physical servers. (As a best practice for clustering, the three servers should have very similar hardware.) Operating system: Windows Server 2016, Standard or Datacenter edition. <---- so you cannot use Server Core or Nano Server for running Host Guardian Service. Server Roles: Host Guardian Service and supporting server roles.Configuration permissions/privileges for the fabric (host) domain: You will need to configure DNS forwarding between the fabric (host) domain and the HGS domain.If you are using Admin-trusted attestation (AD mode), you will need to configure an Active Directory trust between the fabric domain and the HGS domain.
Hardware: HGS can be run on physical or virtual machines, but physical machines are recommended.
If you want to run HGS as a three-node physical cluster (for availability), you must have three physical servers. (As a best practice for clustering, the three servers should have very similar hardware.)
Operating system: Windows Server 2016, Standard or Datacenter edition. <---- so you cannot use Server Core or Nano Server for running Host Guardian Service.
Server Roles: Host Guardian Service and supporting server roles.
Configuration permissions/privileges for the fabric (host) domain: You will need to configure DNS forwarding between the fabric (host) domain and the HGS domain.
If you are using Admin-trusted attestation (AD mode), you will need to configure an Active Directory trust between the fabric domain and the HGS domain.